In the heart of the mountains, in the centre of San Candido, there is a hidden place, a secret atrium, a SECRET GARDEN. A truly enchanting style and a fairy-tale ambience whisk our guests away to a parallel world of relaxation: Surrounded by magical patterns and plants, under canopies, on swings and loungers, between ornate lamps and stylish corners, time stands still. Silence, like the summer warmth and the scent of roses and wisteria, settles on the reading, resting, dozing, pondering garden guests.
How to get to the SECRET GARDEN is no secret: The atrium directly adjoins the new spa area via the large sliding glass doors. Indoors and outdoors, light and shade, tranquillity and inspiration flow into one another. The Secret Bar provides cool drinks for 1001 summer days and nights. Romantic playfulness must not only be expressed through the ambience.
A mixture of an Alice in Wonderland world and an English garden with a modern twist: Not easily described but easily experienced. Light and glow and bloom, all year round. With wonderful highlights: